Command-line arguments

Bistro invokes your task binary with three arguments

command node_name status_pipe config_JSON
  • command is the path to your binary, set as part of the job settings, or passed via --worker_command to the scheduler for LocalRunner, otherwise to the worker.

  • node_name is described in Nodes and Resources. It tells for your binary which data shard to process.

  • status_pipe is a temporary file for communicating the task status to Bistro. You should write only one line to it after the task is done or throws an error. This line a can be a plain Task Status string like done, incomplete, or error_backoff. It can also be a JSON object of the form

    {"result": "done", "data": {"your data up to a few KB"}}

    Instead of result, you could also use result_bits, see bits.thrift.

    For example, Bistro always marks the task done if command is the following script:

    echo "done" > "$2"
  • config_JSON includes extra arguments for your binary. By default it has:

    • id: your job name
    • path_to_node: an array of node names from root to node_name
    • prev_status: status result in JSON of the last run of this task
    • config: all key value pairs in “config” of your job configuration. The “config” field allows you to change command line arguments for future task invocations while your job runs, without restarting Bistro.


Bistro sets up your task with stdout and stderr file descriptors, which it reads line-by-line (lines have a optional maximum length), timestamps, rate-limits (see “max_log_lines_per_poll_interval” in “Managing task processes”), and writes to a SQLite database on the local disk.

To retrieve the logs, send the scheduler a task_logs REST request, read handleTaskLogs() for the details.

Working directory

A given Bistro worker (or a LocalRunner scheduler) starts all tasks of the same job in the sam directory: --data_dir / jobs / <NAME OF JOB>.

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